
Science Camp

Day of the week Topics/Resources  Outdoor Activities



Art/Craft Food Experiment 
Monday  Germs/Bacteria 
Sid the Science Kid Song
Bacteria Tag Swab & Grow Bacteria Experiment.  Lab Coat Design  Edible Bacteria 
Tuesday Fire & Ice   Ice Break (Freeze and remove items from a block of ice)   Dragon Fire (Green)
Fire Snake 

 Ice Cube Igloos

ice painting 

 Color Sugar Bowl
Wednesday  The Body 

Water Wednesday 

 Human Body Parts Apron

Squishy Human Body 


Clay Body Part Making  Mberry Experiment 
Thursday  Rocks & Minerals 


Magic Treasure Rocks 

DIY Geodes 

Excavation Kit

Rock Painting 

Edible Sedimentary Rock 
Friday Gross Science 

Stinky Pig

(played outside) 

 Burping Bags 

Gross Science Kit  

Eyeball Slime 

Edible Snot