All About Animals August 31 – September 3
August 31, 2020
Verse of the week: Childrens obey your parents and the lord for this is right . Ephesians 6:1
Goals for the week
- Math: 4 Addition Facts, Write and learn the number 14
- Reading: Letter C Diagraphs: ch, ck, cl, cr
- Writing: Letter C, Number 14,
Books of the Week:
Detective Dog
Theme |
circle time 9:00am | Reading /Writing 9:30 am |
Math 10:00am |
PlayBreak/ Lunch |
Specials 11:30 am |
Independent 12:30-2:30 |
Outside /Inside Play Time 2:30-4:30 |
Monday |
Farm Animals |
Read: Farm Animals (Epic) ch sounds from the phonics book Cross out sounds that don’t start with ch Writing: Work Sheet C |
Feed The pig Game (Print & Cut) | Science : Milk The Cow |
Finger Print sheep | |||
Tuesday | Sea Creatures | cl |
Read : Writing: Connect the Dot C Worksheet |
Number 14 Writing | Social Studies: |
Wednesday | Savannah Animals | cr |
Read: Detective Dog |
Write the Number 13 |
Thursday | Arctic Animals |
Read: Detective Dog |
Number Line Addition | Art/Craft | ||||
Circle Time Activities |
Write on the Board Read Sight Words Learn Blends |