Why Failure & Success Should Be Treated The Same
As parents, David and I consistently push the boundaries of our kid’s self-perceived capabilities. This is especially the case when they take one look at something and decide it’s above their skill level. We gently remind them that they don’t have to succeed, but they have to at least try. And almost every time, they live up to the challenge. I will often present Jackson, age 10, and Ansley, age 5, with the same project. It seems a little daunting to Ansley at first. But, I think the challenge of keeping up with her two older brothers, coupled with our encouragement to try new things, motivates her. She more often…
Preserving Boyhood
A few weeks ago, we visited the Mini-Me factory where Jackson had the opportunity to memorialize himself as a 3d printed character. After some careful consideration, he chose to dress up like Miles Morales / Spiderman from Into the Spider-Verse. We were excited about this decision because we wanted to make a 3d rendition of him for two reasons. First, making a personalized action figure during Camp Toying Around is seriously one of the coolest things ever. Second, these days, we are looking for any way we can to preserve something that is slowly slipping away… Jackson’s boyhood. If you have a son, you understand that certain idiosyncrasies…